Business Logo Ideas & Designs
A good business logo needs to have a professional look that will impress those who see it. If you want prospective clients to take you seriously, you have to use a design that draws their attention. No business can be truly successful without the right logo, and there are a number of things to keep in mind when creating yours.
Color Selections: Business logos can use a wide range of colors, but they shouldn’t be too bright and colorful. The last thing you want is for the logo that represents your business to look too garish. You might end up coming across as unprofessional.
Icon Selection: You should focus on choosing an icon that represents what your business is all about. If you service clients around the world, consider using a globe.
Font Selection: Use a font that has a professional look to it. This means no Comic Sans or other font types that are too silly or comical. The lettering on your logo should reflect the overall image of your brand. A lot of businesses use san serif fonts, because they have a classic and elegant aesthetic.