Health-care Logo Ideas & Designs
If your business deals in health care, you should have a logo that will communicate that to people the moment they see it. It is particularly important to inspire confidence and trust with your logo if you are operating within the healthcare industry. A simple logo with a clean design is an absolute must.
Color Selections: Blue and red are two colors that are very commonly used in the healthcare industry. This combination of warm and cold can create an attractive contrast that sends the right message. You don’t want to use too many cold colors in your logo.
Icon Selection: There are plenty of icons that you can use to symbolize healthcare, such as a heart, an apple, or even just a cross (as is the Red Cross). Take the time to think about your options and get creative before putting a final draft together.
Font Selection: Healthcare logos tend to have serious-looking font. It is important that you include lettering that isn’t too silly, because you want to earn people’s trust from the start.